Monday, June 23, 2008

Coming up with ideas to animate

One of the most hardest part for me animating is coming up with an idea.

The sad thing is that I don't have to like follow any directions or anything. So yea, I can basically can animate anything I want. (Well in body mechanics because I still need practice)

So today while at home I was trying to think of an idea for a while. I am pretty picky of what I animate. I thought a vball serve will be good practice but then I realized I want to try to add some personality to it, not just a movement and stuff. Well everything has a personality but I wanted to make it more interesting. Not just follow a film reference. I want to show more anticipation and stuff.

So the idea I got is pretty good but maybe to long for me...We'll see...

It's like a guy hitting the thing at a fair and it hit the bell thing. But I think I have a pretty original idea going on...Not sure..We'll see like I said.

But lets go on about the reason I am writing this post. And how I get pass my mental block and what my mind is thinking in those situations...

When I finish an animation I go right away to find something else to animate. But the thing is I have all these videos stuck in my head about AM students and I just keep on replaying them in my head and don't get any ideas. So what I do is get out of my room and do something else. Half the time I usually walk around thinking about things, picking things up, going outside, jump on the trampoline. Then when a good idea pops up, I think about the character and stuff.

So Carlos Baena's blog really helped me. It really got to me about getting off the computer. I'm glued to the computer to much. Animation doesn't come from it, it is just a tool to animate. I can't get inspiration from facebook or engagdet. I have to get it from myself and experience life.

So what I am saying, get out of your seat and have fun! Then when you have some experiences and find something out, animate it!

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