Saturday, September 27, 2008

The office

I love how they make the camera man part of there show.

Because they know they are there, and sometimes they don't really care.

Another thing that I recognize when something ackward happens, and the character is in it, they stare at the camera! They stare at it because it was ackward ofcourse, and I can't really interpret what it means. But it is funny

I think like if Michael does something, they stare at the camera or other characters to make it more ackwards, or to like, I guess have a "I can't believe he done this type of thing" or like agree with it.

It's kind of complicating but I'll have to study it more

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My art teacher!

She is soo good at thinking about art!

I told her I wanted to learn animation, and she thought it was just technical stuff. So like we have to come up with something we want to study for the year, like a theme type of thing.

So I talked to her about it, and we found out something that can relate to animation, and the theme thing! Body gestures.

This is really gonna help me with my idea's and key poses! Also get my sketching better.

And its awesome that she is open to the idea for animation, and is interested in it a bit! Hopefully I'll learn a lot from everyone in that class because they are all awesome!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My animation problems

When listening and practicing on a dialogue piece, I realized that I try to much to stick to what I have.

I need to keep an open mind. I should be able to change things quickly.

Since my blocking is fast, I should block out my original idea, then see if the idea is gonna work, see how it looks on with my character. If I don't like it I should delete it. Since my blocking is getting pretty fast i should learn to question every single movement of my character.

I think thats what I am doing now...

Also when I first started, I wanted to hit certain parts. I was stubborn on changing it. But then I realized it won't have a lot of texture, or i the dialogue part when to fast. So I have to get those key places that can actually fit.

So yea my animation journey is just still starting!

Friday, September 5, 2008


I dunno, its weird for me. I get the blocking done pretty fast. I'm not sure if that is good or not.

The hardest part for me is getting the idea. But yea.

Just the blocking out part is worrying me...I'll try other things.

Before I did straight ahead animation with a my reference video. But now I'm kind of trying the golden poses, and like inbetween them so it won't bother me, and it shows how they get to it.

I hope doing this can get my poses to more stronger!