Friday, September 5, 2008


I dunno, its weird for me. I get the blocking done pretty fast. I'm not sure if that is good or not.

The hardest part for me is getting the idea. But yea.

Just the blocking out part is worrying me...I'll try other things.

Before I did straight ahead animation with a my reference video. But now I'm kind of trying the golden poses, and like inbetween them so it won't bother me, and it shows how they get to it.

I hope doing this can get my poses to more stronger!


R.R. said...

I wouldn't think fast blocking is a bad thing. I'm starting to worry about the ideas now as well. Id rather worry about technical stuff.

What antic are you talking about? I took one frame out when he kicks his feet out and down on the second jump.

ya, that held pose is way better. That was a good suggestion.

R.R. said...

Nope, no change for the anitc I dont think.

Glad you think its better! I've hit that point where don't know if i'm making it better or wasting time you know? Especially if you get vague or confusing crits from people.

As far as speed, yeah, technical speed is awesome, don't need to fight maya more then we need to to try and communicate our ideas ya know?

But even if its not fighting maya, and your just flowing ideas out of every orifice, thats the rush I like, and I dont see how that going fast could be bad. ya your in the moment working out what the character is thinking.

i hear you on starting to add too many in betweens too soon. And I see what your saying about the speed, helping you make it better. When you get it out fast, your not attatched to all the work, and can scrap the whole idea if need be.