Thursday, March 27, 2008

No Circus

Well my family decided not to go to the circus today. Which I am kinda sad/glad about it. I'm glad that we didn't go because we already spent a lot of money this spring break. Like shopping, I got shoes for volleyball and watching Horton hears a who eating out etc.

But kinda sad that I can't observe the people. Ohwell.

So far today I dedicated myself on a skip cycle I was working on about for 2 days. I thought it was decent until... I went on youtube to watch some AM students work... This bummed me out more but inspired me to work harder.

But man I am so jealous of those students because they have such a wonderful community. They get help from everyone. The forums I find are mostly 3d animation haters (or it seems) or they are more interested in rendering/modeling etc.

I wish sooo badly that I can join the AM forums because I need that to get better. I don't know where to get advice from. But I am not letting that stop me. The nine old men didn't have anywhere to go! Just by trial and error. I'll just try what they do and hopefully it works!

I'm not quiting!

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