Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Timing and Getting into the character

This is my first try at doing this. And after reading a ton of blogs about animation I'm gonna give it a try on how to do this. And I am a type of learner when I type it out I remember things better for myself so heeeereee it goes.

I read a lot about timing in blogs and how important it was. I thought hm.. thats not a hard concept to understand. Why make it such a big deal? But then I realized it can change everything in a situation, just by how things are timed. I realized this while walking in my High school. I was walking to my computer class (late as always) trying to avoid my strict math teacher looking at me because I am tardy everyday. When I was walking down a hall there was these office helpers walked across the hall from me. When they were halfway between the hall in front of me they looked over at me and was still walking then kept on walking. For some reason there, I have no idea how, but it got me thinking about timing in animation.

For example, since they turned there head halfway not right away when they entered they didn't know I was there and probably caught me on the side of there eye. So they wanted to see who I was so they turned to look to see who was walking towards them. They didn't because they probably think that they don't know me because there friends would probably say "hey!" outloud.

While still walking to class I was thinking of different situations and messing around with the timing to see what different results I could get.

One thing that kind of freaked me out when if the person that was walking across the hall when I saw them had there head turned towards me the whole time. This would make me think they were expecting me there and they are going to plan something.

If the person looked at me once in the middle of the hallway then looked again they can be one checking me out (lol) or they recognize me and want to ask me a question or I know them.

I could go with so much more examples about this and come up with a certain situation.

Another thing that I realized that was kinda easy but not. Getting into the character.

I was watching 11 second club films and listening to the audio file. There was one that I liked "There is a moment, there is always a moment, I can do this, I can give into it... I don't know when your moment was, but I bet you there was one"

I enjoyed watching all the different types of ways people expressed this dialog's. But I still didn't understand about the character or anything.[

Then recently I watched the movie closer... And then BAM! I heard the line! I got sooo excited about this and watched it over and over again. This is because I know how the character is, I know what type of person the character is! I got soo excited! Then I realized, wow the 11 second club people have to put like sooo much effort to get into that expression and have that feeling because it took a lil bit in the movie to get into that line.

The next day I tried acting out the lines and tried different methods to express this feeling. There are sooo many possibilities. But in my opinion it is hard to find the exact one to get that feeling right. And I questioned everything I did. Once I grabbed my face to wipe about the tear. Then I thought to myself... Why did I do this? Would the character do this? I realized NO they wouldn't. Because she was mad when they were breaking up and she wouldn't recognize this, she will just talk.

Then I thought of putting the hand behind there head stretching but then I thought that is more of a manly thing to do in this situation.

I couldn't get the right expression for it but I am going to keep on searching because I remember the line, and this is the first time I can think in the character and I want to get a hang of this.

But I think the actor for that part did the perfect job for it. It feels natural, it feels like the character etc.

That also reminds me a lot about acting. Geez I need to learn a lot.

Sorry my english is bad.

But I hope you enjoyed reading!

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