Friday, March 28, 2008


Right now I am working on things to try to get an internship and mill james production.

I have a few rendered stuff but the thing I really want to get into is the character animation. Soo I am making some stuff with the leg rig like the one from AM.

Anyways I got a skip done... It is decent but can use some work. But the thing I am working on now is the rollerblade cycle... It is pretty hard for me a beginner, but with most stuff I work on if I work on it to much then things seem wrong even though they are right. So I need to take a break and think about it. It is just hard because it is like the treadmill cycle, so its kind of hard to visualize things.

But I figured out one problem. When your leg is passing the knee leads first and then the foot follows like a pendulum and I think that is overlapping action! Woohoo!

haha that took me a while to figure out.

Anyways I hope I can get that intern at Mills James Production because that would just be awesome.

Gonna take a quick break right now!


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