Wednesday, April 9, 2008


After finding a snack to eat I sat down and decided to turn on the tv. This is when I saw the new Nickelodeon show called like "Dance on the sunset." This is the type of show that will only have on season *cough**cough*

Anyways one thing that I realized was the people clapping to the beat. I don't know how I came up to think of animation.. I guess its just getting into my head! Being very observant. Anyways...

What I realized was the the claps seem to be all anticipation! Because you never see the hands make contact. (well depends on the type of clap and timing you want.) But you never really see the hands touching each other completely. Probably just for one frame then they are apart. But the clap isn't all that fast. Just the anticipation for it lasts a long time.

The wrists leads when your hands are moving apart to prepare the clap. And your wrist usually leads when your hands are going together! So overlapping action!

But ofcourse anything can change. Break the rules!

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